About source compost

Benefits of composting

Support compost activism in nj

The red tape between food waste collectors and the farms that want it is a huge, expensive, and legal issue. Well-meaning, small compost collectors like ourselves are working together with the NJCC to get composting on local farms legalized in the future! Learn more here.

Wasted Produce Guilt: No More!

We’ve all been there: You ambitiously buy too much produce and commit to your meal plan. But we all get busy sometimes and end up with moldy produce rotting in the fridge. With composting, you can eliminate this waste and the guilt that comes with it.

healthy soils

Growing food removes valuable nutrients from the soil. Composting returns those nutrients and living microorganisms back to the soil, thus completing the cycle. This living biology is what sequesters carbon and promotes plant health.

Competitively-Priced Subscriptions

Congrats! You just found New Jersey’s cheapest compost pickup service! Environmental stewardship should be for everyone, not just the wealthy. Source Compost has big plans for expanding this program towards lower-income households as the company grows.

Clean Air

Food that decomposes in a landfill releases methane gas, a greenhouse gas 86 times more potent than carbon dioxide over a 20-year lifespan. Plus, saving food from ever making it to the landfill reduces the need for more and larger landfills.

Trendy steel buckets

We’re proud to offer you these endlessly recyclable, galvanized steel buckets. Don’t worry about pests getting into your compost buckets since the lids lock tight. And if you’re worried about the smell, we can bring you some wood chips to add the mix and that’ll do the trick!

How does composting help slow the effects of global warming, all while creating the best fertilizer?

learn about the incredible science behind healthy soil, the soil food web, and plant nutrient needs

An emphasis on environmental justice

According to the EPA, the definition of environmental justice is:

The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.”

It can be extremely inconvenient, time-consuming, and expensive to be a sustainably-minded civilian. That’s why we’re committed to making it as convenient and affordable as possible for everyone to participate and benefit from composting and getting connected to a local farm. We’ve got a long ways to go with this goal, but it will remain in our core values as we grow.

Meet Celestine

Celestine graduated from Northern Arizona University and has always been stoked on outdoor adventures and environmental stewardship. She was born in France, grew up with her Mexican family in Arizona, and went back to France in the summers. She traveled and lived in many different states before settling down with her partner in New Jersey. Coming from a more sustainably-minded culture in the French countryside, she brought her composting habits with her to the States. Here, she enjoys working with organic farms and educating people about composting. When she’s not at work, she enjoys cycling and rock climbing at the Gunks.


I started Source Compost out of a passion for sustainability. Many environmentalists today see the future as bleak. I see change on the horizon, and with change comes opportunity for growth. I am very hopeful that we will adapt and thrive with new technology and new ways of thinking about the environment. For years, there has been an international farm fertilizer shortage. Meanwhile, Americans continue to throw their food waste in the trash. My goal is to make it as convenient and affordable to compost at a local level. With growth and partnership with other composters and farmers everywhere, I hope for a future where everyone’s kitchens can be connected back to the source of where their food comes from.

Think Global, Act local!